Maggie Baker Ph. D.

Private Seminar on Behavioral Finance

Roger Shawn and Blake Gordon, senior financial advisors at Capitol Securities Management, Inc. gave an investment seminar in Williamsburg VA for their private clients.

They invited me to speak about the behavioral and emotional side of money, in an effort to engage the participants in “money talk” they could relate to more easily than, for example, the intricacies of the gold and bond market.

Participants learned about the impact of childhood experiences in forming attitudes and beliefs about money and the 7 “Money Types” (Spender, Hoarder, High Roller, Money Monk, Amasser and Avoider) and what it means to be a “Money Master”.

A quick tour of behavioral finance and how terms such as overconfidence, loss aversion, mental accounting, the endowment effect, and status quo applied to all of us when we deal with money and risk caught the clients attention enough to end the meeting in a lively discussion and enthusiasm to read my book, Crazy About Money: How Emotions Confuse Our Money Choices and What To Do About It.

Maggie Baker, Ph. D.
Psychologist – Financial Therapist
Author of Crazy About Money: “How Emotions Confuse Our Money Choices And What To Do About It”.

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